Trivia Night at UIS

Trivia Night at UIS

Student Life Building Gym

Saturday, March 26, 2011
7:00:00 PM

Questions By: Beth Ribarsky

  • Mulligans
  • Food/Beverage Sales
  • True/False Game

After a successful event last spring (feel free to contact Russ about it), we are hosting another trivia night. Cost is $10 per person with a maximum of 10 people per table. Seating is limited so please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Ribarsky at

Popcorn, cotton candy and soda/water available for purchase. Feel free to bring your own snacks.

There will also be pasta from Mariahs and pizza for sale.

Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams.

We are raising funds for the honorary student communication society. They are traveling to a conference in April and need a little help getting there.

Written by Russ

Russ Friedewald has been producing and hosting trivia events since 1999 and started in 2003 to keep track of the trivia nights going on in the Springfield area. He started Trivia Workshop in 2013.

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