St Pat’s Day Parade Annual Trivia Night

St Pat’s Day Parade Annual Trivia Night

Knight of Columbus Hall #364
2200 Meadowbrook Rd

Friday, February 25, 2011
6:30:00 PM

Questions By: very imaginative people
Master of Ceremonies: Kevin Lust

  • 50/50
  • Mulligans
  • Food/Beverage Sales
  • Beer/Wine Sales

Come join us for the Annual St. Patty’s Day Parade Trivia Night at the Knight of Columbus, on Meadowbrook Road. $10 per person, tables of up to 10. Doors open at 6pm, Game starts at 6:45pm. As always, a 50/50 event, door prizes,
Mulligans, beverages and plenty of Irish beers available brought to you by E&F Distributing. Food is alaways available at the KofC. Proceeds
help fund the parade, a NFP corporation.

Written by Russ

Russ Friedewald has been producing and hosting trivia events since 1999 and started in 2003 to keep track of the trivia nights going on in the Springfield area. He started Trivia Workshop in 2013.


  • Pam Lowrance (#)
    February 20th, 2011

    I want to register our table, but can’t find the link again!!! Help???

  • Susan Clark (#)
    February 20th, 2011

    The date given under the address is confusing. I was wondering why it was on a Sunday until I saw it said 2001. Just thought I’d let ya know. 🙂

  • Russ (#)
    February 21st, 2011

    Pam – – or call 787-0123

    Thanks for the heads up Susan! 🙂

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