Deb’s Liver for Life Benefit Trivia Night
Cornerstone Community Church
231 West Van Buren St
Saturday, January 21, 2012
7:00:00 PM
- 50/50
- Mulligans
- Silent Auction
- Food/Beverage Sales
Doors open at 5:30 pm.
$100 per table, up to 10 players per table.
Mulligans & a Double Down available.
Snacks and drinks will be for sale.
RSVP: Linda Wood 217-836-9025
The Family & Friends of Debbie Norton are hosting this benefit to pay for expenses related to a liver transplant. Debbie was diagnosed with liver cancer and requires a transplant as soon as possible. Debbie was also just recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and is currently receiving treatment at Memorial Medical Center.