Springfield Ski and Boat Club Trivia Challenge
Springfield Ski and Boat Club, Lake Springfield
268 Maple Grove Lane
Saturday, April 16, 2011
6:00:00 PM
Questions By: Jim Huffman -Huffy Moneymakers
Master of Ceremonies: Bill Alexander
- 50/50
- Mulligans
- Food/Beverage Sales
- Beer/Wine Sales
Saturday April 16, 2011, 6PM, Trivia starts at 7 PM
$10.00 per person entry fee
Teams of 8 (Maximum) welcome, singles can play alone or make up teams.
Cash prizes, door prizes. Wacky contests, Side games and bets. Snacks and full bar available. Pizza ,
Table decorating contest! (Optional)
Reservations not necessary but welcome to guarantee a private table, see below for contact information.
A traveling trophy will be given to the High Scoring Team from any Springfield Lake Club, . Clubs can submit more than 1 team
To Reserve a table call Bill Alexander (217) 827- 3319 or email Bill at: balexander3@yahoo.com
or write to
Springfield Ski and Boat Trivia Night
268 Maple Grove Lane
Springfield IL 62712
Club Phone: 217 529-9090
Trivia begins promptly at 7PM
Come early and enjoy the best view on the lake!