Macoupin County Realy for Life Trivia Night

Macoupin County Realy for Life Trivia Night

Carlivnille Elks Lodge
201 West Main

Saturday, March 12, 2011
7:30:00 PM

Questions By: Sonneborn Relay Team

  • 50/50
  • Mulligans
  • Food/Beverage Sales
  • Beer/Wine Sales

Fried Chicken/Porkchop Dinner 5:00-7:00 $8
Trivia begins at 7:30. $10 per person up to 10 people per team.
Cash Bar

Please feel free to come even if you do not have a team!

All proceeds benefit the Macoupin County Relay for Life
Sponsored by the Sonneborn Relay Team

Please contact Courtney McDaniels to RSVP or with any questions @


Written by Russ

Russ Friedewald has been producing and hosting trivia events since 1999 and started in 2003 to keep track of the trivia nights going on in the Springfield area. He started Trivia Workshop in 2013.

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