Student Ambassador Trivia Night
Knights Action Park Party Room
1700 Recreation Drive
Saturday, April 17, 2010
7:00:00 PM
Lori Van Meter
* 50/50
* Mulligans
* Silent Auction
* Food/Beverage Sales
More Info:
This is to raise funds for Student Ambassador Alicia Van Meter. She will be traveling with a delegation to the UK this summer through the People to People program started by President Eisenhower in 1958. For more information on People to People please visit their web-site.
* Teams of 8 – 10
* Prizes for 1st and 2nd guarenteed, 3rd pending
* Doors open at 6:00; trivia begins at 7:00
* Entry fee of $10.00 per person
* Mulligans will be available. First 5 for $5.00; additional
5 for $10.00; limit 10 per table
* Food, snacks and beverages will be available for
* 50/50
* Silent Auction
* Grab bags
* Reserve your table now!! Call (217) 741-9850 or (217)
245-4399 or e-mail