“For the Love of” Trivia Night

Name of Event: “For the Love of” Trivia Night
Event Date: 04/14/2012
Event Time: 06:00 PM
Location: 245 N. Amos Ave.- St. Agnes Catholic Church
Venue Address:
Questions By:
Master of Ceremonies:
Players Per Team: at most 7
Entry Fee: free

How to Reserve a Table

RSVP Name: Casey Von Behren
RSVP Email: vonjovi1242@aol.com
RSVP Phone:
Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/For-the-Love-of/369202573112225


Extras: Auction, Food/Drinks Available, Bonus Game(s)
Other info about the event…: We are holding this event to try and raise money to send care packages to local soldiers who are over seas. My friend Miranda and I are Seniors in highschool and we both are close to a soldier or two who has been or still is overseas. we would like to raise money, through a silent art auction and with donations, so we may send deployed soldiers some things from home. there will be an art auction with bidding starting at $5 and it will go on throughout the night. this is a silent auction. We are also trying to put together a raffle drawing. tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. we will also be holding another contest to see who is wearing the most patriotic outfit, so dress up in everything red white and blue and join us for some fun! Donations can be either cash, check, or by bringing in things for the care packages! here’s a list of things needed! -toothpaste -toothbrushes -baby wipes -hand warmers (depending on where troops are) -body wash/soap -shampoo -hand sanitizer -gum -chapstick (stuff with sunscreen bc it’s a million degrees over there) -hard candy -Q-tips (used for personal hygiene and for cleaning weapons) -second hand books (soldiers pass around books to each other). -crosswords/word puzzles -flavor water packets (can find them really cheap at the Dollar Store or Walmart) -Air fresheners (The kind that just sit in a room and give off scent. Dollar Tree/Walmart. My cousin says the place ALWAYS smells like outhouses so all the soldiers LOVE getting air fresheners). -sunscreen -deck of cards -unscented lotion (definitely needed for how hot it gets over there). -Aloe

Written by Russ

Russ Friedewald has been producing and hosting trivia events since 1999 and started SpringfieldTrivia.com in 2003 to keep track of the trivia nights going on in the Springfield area. He started Trivia Workshop in 2013.

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