Southeast High School Trivia Night

Southeast High School Trivia Night

Eagles Club
2700 E Ash (1 block east of HS)

Saturday, December 3, 2011
7:00:00 PM

Questions By: Dave Fox
Master of Ceremonies: Dave Fox

  • 50/50
  • Beer/Wine Sales

$15 per person, includes Hors d’oeuvre buffett, doors open at 6:15 pm, games begin at 7:00 pm

CASH PRIZES for 1,2,3 place

Proceeds to benefit SSHS PTO

Reserve your table, Call Cindy 529-9459

Only bagged chips and candy may be brought into Eagle Club.


Written by Russ

Russ Friedewald has been producing and hosting trivia events since 1999 and started in 2003 to keep track of the trivia nights going on in the Springfield area. He started Trivia Workshop in 2013.


  • Cindy Ringer (#)
    November 15th, 2011

    Appetizers will be served by 6:30, and are available until games begin at 7:00.

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