Peace, Love & Trivia – 4th annual Mission Outreach trivia night
Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach warehouse
4930 LaVerna Road
Friday, October 7, 2011
7:00:00 PM
- 50/50
- Mulligans
- Silent Auction
- Food/Beverage Sales
- Beer/Wine Sales
PEACE, LOVE & TRIVIA, 4th annual Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach trivia night.
Doors open at 5:30 PM for tours, trivia begins at 7:00 PM
Mission Outreach provides medical supplies and equipment to the poor, sick and needy through a medical recovery program.
$10 per person, 10 people per table.
Prizes: Top three finishing teams, best themed table, and best costumed table.
Sign-up or questions: or call Susan at 522-3387, ext 531.