Alsey Playground Committee Trivia Night
Alsey Baptist Church Fellowship hall
155 Church Blvd.
Friday, June 17, 2011
7:00:00 PM
Questions By: Play Ground committee
Master of Ceremonies: Chuck Frost
- 50/50
- Mulligans
- Food/Beverage Sales
Teams of up to 10 people $10 per person, pay at the table, 50/50 Drawing.
Doors open at 6:00 with Sloppy Joes, hot dogs, fruit, candy bars and soda for sale.
Mulligans available for a $1 a piece, only one used per round.
Proceeds benefit the Alsey Playground for new equipment.
Co-hosted by the Royal Neighbors of America.
Come help support the Alsey Playground!
RSVP by June 14, walk-ins welcome!
Call Peggy Clemmons 742-3811 or Judy Cannon 742-3838
1st Price 10% of the gate 2nd place 5% of the gate.