St Pat’s Day Parade Annual Trivia Night
Knight of Columbus Hall #364
2200 Meadowbrook Rd
Friday, February 25, 2011
6:30:00 PM
Questions By: very imaginative people
Master of Ceremonies: Kevin Lust
- 50/50
- Mulligans
- Food/Beverage Sales
- Beer/Wine Sales
Come join us for the Annual St. Patty’s Day Parade Trivia Night at the Knight of Columbus, on Meadowbrook Road. $10 per person, tables of up to 10. Doors open at 6pm, Game starts at 6:45pm. As always, a 50/50 event, door prizes,
Mulligans, beverages and plenty of Irish beers available brought to you by E&F Distributing. Food is alaways available at the KofC. Proceeds
help fund the parade, a NFP corporation.
February 20th, 2011
I want to register our table, but can’t find the link again!!! Help???
February 20th, 2011
The date given under the address is confusing. I was wondering why it was on a Sunday until I saw it said 2001. Just thought I’d let ya know. 🙂
February 21st, 2011
Pam – – or call 787-0123
Thanks for the heads up Susan! 🙂