Sherman United Methodist Church Youth Mission Trip
Sherman United Methodist Church
2336 East Andrew Road
Friday, April 29, 2011
7:00:00 PM
Questions By: Bill Cockrell
Master of Ceremonies: Mary Cockrell
- Mulligans
- Silent Auction
- Food/Beverage Sales
Second Annual trivia night fund raiser for the Sherman United Methodist Church Youth. All proceeds will support this year”s Youth mission trip to Lyons, New York. The youth will be repairing and painting houses for a week in July.
Friday April 29th. Doors open at 6:00, game starts at 7:00.
Teams: tables can have up to 8 contestants.
Entry fee: $10 per contestant
Mulligans available
– Cash prize for first place table
– Random table prizes via drawing for each round.
Reserve you table today by calling 217-496-2338. Press 5 to reach the Church office.
Snack and dinner items will be available for purchase along with soda and slushies. *This is a non-alcoholic event.
Contestants welcome to bring snacks for their table.
April 25th, 2011
Silent auction will include a new Bunn home coffee brewer. Reserve your table today at 217-496-2338