St. Aloysius Boy Scout Troop 53 Trivia Night
St. Aloysius Church Hall (Basement)
2125 N 21st St
Springfield, IL
Saturday, March 12, 2011
6:00:00 PM
- 50/50
- Mulligans
- Silent Auction
- Food/Beverage Sales
We welcome you to what is sure to be a fun filled night of trivia, food, and more. Boy Scout Troop 53 invites you to our first ever Trivia Night. All the money raised will go towards funding scouting trips throughout the year.
Doors open at 6:00 pm on March 12th in St. Aloysius church basement. Trivia to start at 7:00.
Admission is $10 a person with tables of up to 10 people.
Prize money will be awarded to the top teams.
Dinner and snacks will be available for purchase including Hot Dogs, Bratwurst, chips, baked goods, soda and water and more.
The best themed table will get a prize, so get your costumes and decorations out and get creative!
50/50 and Mulligans will be for sale, also there will be a silent auction with items to bid on.
To Reserve your table for up to 10 people, contact Janna Evanich at (217)789-4063.