Walnut St. Winery/Rochester Library Trivia Night
Walnut St. Winery
309 South Walnut Street
Monday, October 4, 2010
6:00:00 PM
Food/Beverage Sales
Beer/Wine Sales
The Walnut St. Winery, in cooperation with the Rochester Public Library, invite you to their very first Trivia Night. Come see how a glass of locally made wine pairs with a healthy dose of competition!
$2 per person to play. Teams of four required. Five rounds of ten questions. Registration starts at 6:00. Trivia starts at 6:30.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams.
Registration fees and a portion of wine sales will be donated to the Rochester Public Library.
September 24th, 2010
Is there contact information to register? Is $2 per person to play correct???
September 24th, 2010
Hi Eleanor!
We’re not doing advanced registration. We’ll just register teams from 6-6:30 that night. $2 is correct! We’re not in it for the cash, just trying to plan a fun night out!
If you, or anyone else, has other questions, please contact me at director@rochesterlibrary.org.
Hope to see you October 4th!