Trivia Night for United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
Knight of Columbus, Springfield
2200 S. Meadowbrook
Friday, October 8, 2010
6:00:00 PM
Food/Beverage Sales
Beer/Wine Sales
$20 per person pre-registration/$25 at door (8 to a table)
Includes beer,wine, & soda
Pizza available to purchase, Live auction, prize awarded to First place and best decorated table.
Door prizes and Baked goods sale
To preregister call Patti Bauer at 741-3330
We are raising money to promote awareness for the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation. My son has a Mitochondrial Disease, Leigh’s Disease, and there are soooo many more diseases that are linked with a mitochondrial disease. For more info go to
Also, if you’d like to donate anything for the Live auction or just for the event itself, please contact me as well.
Thank you and I hope to see you there:)