
Thank you to everyone who made it out to the Crime Stoppers trivia night Saturday. It was a great night, and I think everyone had a good time.

If you missed it, here are the categories the teams had to deal with.   I converted the slideshows to PDF’s so you miss out on the audio and video, but most of the questions should still make sense.  Congrats to Team SJ-R for pulling off the win in the final round.

  1. 2/20 (Questions about events that happened on Feb 20)
  2. Names in Lit (Name the book based on 3 characters)
  3. You Like Me! (This was a video category, so may not work in pdf form)
  4. Bad Guys (Crimes and criminals)
  5. Animated Actors (Who provides the voice for these characters?)
  6. Good Company (Company name origins)
  7. Underdogs (Sports upsets)
  8. Showbiz (Questions about businesses on TV shows)
  9. In Between (Fill the gap)
  10. Musical Time Machine (#1 songs this week over the past 50 years – no music in the pdf version)

Click here for more categories.

Written by Russ

Russ Friedewald has been producing and hosting trivia events since 1999 and started in 2003 to keep track of the trivia nights going on in the Springfield area. He started Trivia Workshop in 2013.


  • The Abraham Lincoln Observer (#)
    February 22nd, 2010

    Russ: Don’t tell anybody, but the turning point for Team sj-r was when Brien Murphy broke into a Spice Girls song. Totally inspiring …

    Thanks. It was fun.

  • Dan at BFS (#)
    February 24th, 2010

    Mr. Trivia Guy,

    I’ve tried on two different computers and can’t get these PDFs to open. What’s my problem?

    A Fan

    • Russ (#)
      February 24th, 2010

      Weird, Dan. It works for me on both Mac and PC with Acrobat Reader 7 and 9. Maybe try right-click downloading the files and then opening them with Reader.

  • Dan at BFS (#)
    February 24th, 2010

    Okay, I got it to work. I scored a 56. As one player on a team of ten, that calculates out to 560 points, well ahead of the SJ-R team’s score. Therefore, I win.

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