Teams are forming now, and beginning their pre-season training for SPRING TRAINING TRIVIA NIGHT! A 10 round trivia contest will be held Saturday, May 2 at 7 pm at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Jacksonville. Recruit your team of 8-10 people, and reserve your spot by calling the church at (217) 245-7312 or emailing Pastor Bob McKelvey at Door Prizes for individuals will be awarded, as well as Team Prizes for the winning teams, including best uniforms/costumes that reflect the theme. Great ballpark snacks will be available. Please note: steroid use is strictly prohibited. This world-series event is sponsored by the Wesley Chapel IMPACT Sunday
School class, to benefit the Jacksonville Food Bank. Wesley Chapel is located 3 miles west of Jacksonville on Old Route 36. Follow Morton Ave west out of Jacksonville, and the church is on your right.